In the spirit of present times, when everything is under review and constantly changing, Grupo Initium proposes making a contribution to the conversation on the ontology of language applied to the interests and lives of people in their most specific aspects. We open this space in which it is possible to ask ourselves and think about the humanistic philosophical support of the practice of ontological coaching, holding a discussion that allows its growth and projection in the future.
Initium Academics arises from this proposal as a site for training new coaching professionals, but also for inquiring and researching about the paradigm that supports the current coaching practice and its ground principles.
It makes possible for efficient change processes to take effect efficiently.
It summons the central values and commitments of the human being.
It renews the human relationship systems..
It allows for the production of unprecedented results.
It models collaboration and the creation of consensus.
Grupo Initium Corp. © | by W3iT Solutions